Industry Standard Computers Home Page
Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside

Protection From The Evils of the Internet

Internet surfing in the work place has become a serious problem from the wasted time on Ebay to downloading viruses, spyware and adware. We can protect you from the ills of the Internet. If you are a business, public or private, or home user, your Internet abuse can go away! If you are currently buying Adult Blocking Software, you can save money with our system!  In addition, you can have security way beyond anything you can ever hope to obtain with you present Windows system(s), all with stability. If you had one spyware infection or a serious virus infection last year then you need to be behind one of our firewalls. Same if you get more than 20 SPAM emails per day.

What we sell:
"Firewall content Filtering Server"  - A managed firewall solution for your business.

Turn Key Firewall content Filtering Server" for Public Libraries" - A solution for Ohio Public Libraries, adaptable to all US libraries.

Introduction to Firewalls for the novice or buyer:
Firewalls Hardware Firewalls Hardware Updating Firewalls Software (windows) Firewalls Managed

The truth about ISP's claims to stop spyware or viruses and the real security they claim.

A way to limit access on the single computer basis.

License Agreement for ISCnetwork's Firewall content Filtering Server

All pages on this website written by employees of ISC, © Copyright 1999-2015 by Butch Walker, all rights reserved.
Do not copy or use in any way without written permission from Butch Walker.

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